Proposals are potential additions, deletions or modifications to existing language in the collective agreement and after a comprehensive screening process are presented to the Company at the beginning of the negotiation process.
All proposals will be accepted at the Local offices however the screening caucuses reserve the right to discard or modify any proposal based careful consideration and at each level of the process.
Be as detailed as possible and make sure an include the section of the collective agreement you think the proposal should go to, although the committee reserves the right to make adjustments. Documents or links can also be provided to clarify the intention of a proposal.
Some things taken in to consideration when the Screening Caucuses look at proposals:
How could this proposal affect other workers at SaskTel
A proposal that might be good for one area may have an adverse effect on another department
How could this proposal affect other clauses in the Collective Agreement
The Local and Provincial screening caucuses will be held in September to determine which proposals will go forward in the Bargaining process.
Current Collective Agreement (2019 - 2024)
Proposals will be accepted between August 14 and September 8, 2023, please ensure the form is complete and signed and dated accordingly, unsigned proposals may not be considered. Please take this opportunity to let your bargaining committee issues that are important to you and changes you would like to see. This is YOUR Collective Agreement make it work for you!
Proposal Form: Word Version PDF Version